1. We have to add the following code in wp-config.php
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

2. Install corn job in doplet (Ubuntu)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cron
sudo systemctl enable cron

3. Now we have to add corn job

* 23 * * * curl https://yourdomain/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron >/dev/null 2>&1

* * * * * - Run the command every minute.
12 * * * * - Run the command 12 minutes after every hour.
0,15,30,45 * * * * - Run the command every 15 minutes.
*/15 * * * * - Run the command every 15 minutes.
0 4 * * * - Run the command every day at 4:00 AM.
0 4 * * 2-4 - Run the command every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4:00 AM.
20,40 */8 * 7-12 * - Run the command on the 20th and 40th minute of every 8th hour every day of the last 6 months of the year.

By toihid